+376 803 344
Opening hours
Mon to Fri from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00
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Silvestre Advocats Dret Laboral

We offer all the specific services in the labour field that affect the company or the worker

Our team of lawyers will assess the situation and find an effective solution to resolve any labour dispute.

Silvestre Advocats offers you all the specific services in the labour field that affect the company and the worker with advice adapted to each situation, including all the judicial and administrative actions that are necessary according to the specific nature of each case before the Caixa Andorrana de la Seguretat Social, the Servei d’Inspecció de Treball, the Servei d’Immigració, among others.


  • Advice on health and safety measures in the workplace.
  • Drafting of all types of employment contracts according to:
    • the needs and structure of the company
    • exclusivity, confidentiality and non-competition agreements
    • geographical and functional mobility
  • Dismissals, dismissals, misconduct and disciplinary sanctions.
  • Preparation and drafting of employee manuals and action protocols
  • Advice on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements
  • Drafting and challenging misconduct and disciplinary sanctions
  • Legal defence in labour proceedings
  • Legal assistance and advice in front:
    • Servei d’Inspecció de Treball
    • Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social
  • Accidents at work
  • Debts with the administrations derived from labour non-compliance
  • Defence and legal assistance in judicial and extrajudicial labour proceedings.
  • Termination of the employment relationship at the request of the company or the employee.